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Welcome to The Fusion Network Website

Keep up with all the changes, additions and scheduled wipes.

Join the discord server to stay updated on everything, 

communicate with other users and the admins.

Steam Group


The server wipes every other week.

So this means the third Thursday of each month.

The following wipe will take place on the forced wipe. Meaning the first Thursday of the following month.


Real time live map.
See your friends location.
Locate the heli.
See the plane fly by.
See if the Bradley is live.

Voting for the server

/voter rewards

After voting, on your next login type /voter in chat to see how many points you have and how to cash them in. The vote will only apply to that server and may take several hours to apply.

No rewards for the build server. But it's still nice to show support :)

PvE Server

Follow these instructions to pretend like you know what you're  doing with the


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