For every $5 you donate you get a month of the [Supporter] rank.
​The Supporter rank will grant you access to:
A fancy tag [Supporter]
Instant TP on all plugins (/warp /tp and /home)
Auto upgrade plugins (bgrade/building grades)
Special daily and limited kits
Increase in Automated Searchlights
Track Kill Stats on owned weapons (try not to lose them)
Upgrade Work Benches (swap the old bench out for a new one)
- Sliding Doors
- Sign Artist (/sil) - Misuse/Abuse of this plugin can result in a ban.
- Name Changing
- Stars (Pointless but fun plugin)
- Chest Stacking
Advanced Hit Markers
Global Storage
Personal Radio Stations
Put Images on Storage Boxes
Inventory Sort Button
Frame Box (Put a small picture frame on a box with an image)
Extended options to Hit Marker
Personal radio stations.
Global Storage (A large box linked between safe zones and your bases)
Access to crafting all DLC items (excluding swimwear spray cans and dance moves)
Change horse breeds with a spray can
Car modding
Extended sub containers
A component storage box for your main inventory
This is not a monetized server. None of the money donated goes to me. It's all applied towards the monthly statement for the server itself. There are no refunds. I DO NOT get any of this money.
To claim your rank, contact the "FINAL BOSS" in discord with:
The Payment Date
Name used to make the payment (On the card/PayPal account)
Amount Paid
Your steamID64 (To get your ID go HERE.
Paste your Steam Profile URL into the search box and click the lookup button.
Copy the group of numbers next to steamID64.
I'll use this to activate your perks.
You can change your username daily, but the ID never changes.)
With the rank you will receive the perks listed
(and any future additions).
These are just some QoL bonuses.
It is not "Pay to Win".
These bonuses will not give you an edge over the other players.
An additional option to donate to the server is buying
plugins, raid base bundles and maps from
a list I've been building.
Depending how much you're willing to spend, I'll
give you with several options.
Most everything will be over $5, but I will round
everything up to the next $5 value.
So let's say you buy something for $7.99, you'll
get 2 months supporter rank.
Contact me and I'll explain how to buy the plugin
from the site and "gift" it to me.
While it would be easier to just paypal/venmo the
money directly to me, I want the donor to know
exactly where the money is going.
Just because a plugin or map has been donated
does not mean it will be used.
Sometimes there are extreme conflicts between
the plugins, or the map is just terrible.
So yeah.
That's about it.
If you have some extra money and want to lend a hand, it would be much appreciated.
I've had people ask about donations in the past. And I've felt really weird about it. I can't just take the money and offer nothing in return. But I also have issues with giving players who have the extra funds a leg up on the players who don't.
But times are tight. And I think I've managed to come up with a donor package that's fair and rewarding.
Donations Are Currently Offline
The group pay extension used on the donation page is currently down.
As a result, the default method for donations is currently unavailable.
If you have any questions or concerns,
please contact the server owner/discord admin for further information.
I have directed the host to a group of developers in hopes that this will be resolved soon.
I do currently accept donations through paypal.
The funds go directly back into the server either through
bill payment, or plugin/map purchases.
This isn't really my preferred way to handle things since the donor doesn't
have proof of where the money goes like they do with group pay.
But at the moment, this is the only option we have.