
So you'll need a quick briefing before you join the server for the first time.
Number 1: This is a PvE server
You can't kill or be killed by another player.
You cannot loot or be looted by another player.
You cannot damage your base or another players.
You can share your containers with another player by being a teammate, a friend (/fmenu) or a command (info under security in /ui).
Number 2: NPCs
There are more on here than most servers.
I have them set to spawn at monuments and around the map.
There are also custom events that will spawn NPCs including Bosses.
Number 3: World Events
There are world events that can result in you having a bad day.
Meteor showers and Airstrikes.
They are random and not targeted.
But these can kill you and cause moderate to severe damage to your base depending on the severity of the attack and tier of your building.
So while you can easily build a huge twig/wooden base, I highly advise against it.
Number 4: There are a lot of plugins.
And I mean a lot.
You can learn about them by typing /ui.
Number 5: Resources
The more you farm, the more resources you'll get through ZLevels.
But it's not that easy.
The NPCs are there to make sure of that.
They aren't just at the monuments and trash piles.
They can sneak up on you at any moment, anywhere.
Some places are more likely than others.
But it's a good idea to bring a friend with you just to be safe.
If you're still scarred by the Vanilla world of Rust and don't trust anyone.
You can just grab a neighbor for the journey so they won't have access to your loot.
There are special tools and clothing drops that will also increase your gather if you can find them.
The server wipes when the main update comes out on the first Thursday of each month, Eastern Standard Time.
Generally around 2pm (Forced Wipes).
This is the same every month.
It does not change unless Facepunch says so.

Now for a roundup of what's running on the server
Skills/XP and High Stacks
Custom Maps
(Unless a new monument is released that wipe)
TP|Homes|Warp system with GUI
Meteor event with loot (stones, metal fragments, scrap and HQM ore)
Random Airstrikes
Heli Crash
Take Down The Plane
Custom Weapons
Friends(/fmenu) and TC Sharing (/dyna) to make teaming up easier.
Share all locks and containers.
AutoAuth TC and Turrets.
Furnace Tools
Building Tools
Help is available in game by typing /ui or /tipster
PvE is managed w/TruePVE
This is just the basics (I know, right?) for the server plugins.