Next map.
Pokey Island
I have several new maps I’ll be adding to the voting list.
So be sure to look for those.
Supporters should now have their max for sub containers.
Chat games have been pulled while I work on finding a better timing schedule for them.
They’re running too often and overlap.
I may also try to get them compiled into a single plugin so I have better control over them and their lang files.
I'm still working on the height fix for the raid bases.
They should be back in soon.
Supporters are getting another perk.
Global Storage.
There will be dump boxes located at Outpost, Bandit and the Fishing Villages.
Everyone can see them. But only supporters have access.
You have to buy your own box in order to use the plugin (buy for 1 rustnote, sell for 1 rustnote in a new section in /s visible only to supporters).
NPCs sell them at Outpost, Bandit and Airfield.
Parachute Control :
R – Open the parachute
W – Direct the movement forward
S – Slow down the forward movement
A – Turn left
D – Turn right
SHIFT – Slowing down the fall
CTRL – Acceleration of the fall
The parachute can fail. So keep this in mind.
The prefab used is gloweyes because you can wear them with anything including radsuits.
The skin doesn’t always load when interacting with the NPC and will show as gloweyes in the map. But it’s a parachute. Trust me.
The Bosses now only spawn at monuments
Monument and Junkpile NPCs are called Scientists again.
But the ones spawned through plugins will generally still have custom names.
The JetPack is now in /s
The “portable vehicles” have an update. That includes the submarines and snowmobiles.
But there’s an issue with placement and some need a count down timer or you get crushed/stuck inside.
So that’s going to have to wait a bit longer.
The monument events will be down while I update aspects to them since a new plugin has been added to improve the pve aspects.