I’ve been sitting on this for a while. Well most of it. One part was recently made available from the developer. While I almost always put things up for a vote, unless something is broken and has to be removed/added. These are some changes I feel need to be put in place.
The infamous graveyard fence is now safe to jump on. It still makes crunchy stabby noises. But you'll walk away unharmed. I also fixed the stone gate which would cause player damage if for some reason you were high enough to walk into the barbed wire.
Upcoming but already in place on the Build|Test server (if you want to see how it is):
Things won’t be as safe with the new changes. You still won’t be able to hurt each other or damage anyone's property. But if you aren’t careful you can seriously mess yourself up.
No longer can you walk into a zombie horde with a rocket launcher and shooting it into the ground. You will die. Fire from flame rockets will make your parts crispy. C4 will cause you to violently expand in multiple directions. Exploding ammo will tickle in a bad way if used on something too close to you. And gone are the days of cheesing the launch site with balloons and minicopters. Player placed SAM Sites are safe. They won’t do anything aside from make a lot of noise.
These changes will make the game more immersive than it was with the previous settings. You will have to stay on your toes a little more when using higher tier weapons and ammo. You can still blast another player with a fire rocket if you really feel the need. It won’t do much aside make them walk a little slower until they get through the flames. But if you step into the flames. Well that’s another story.
I guess in general there isn’t much danger with these new settings aside from the SAM Site since most of these weapons, ammo and the C4 aren’t really used on this server. But I found the fact that you were invincible from all aspects of weapons and explosions a little silly. PvE is in place so you can’t hurt other players. It doesn’t mean that you should be safe from an accident.
These changes won’t be put in place until the next forced wipe (April 4th).