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September Update

Writer's picture: ThePiercedWeirdoThePiercedWeirdo

So there's some new changes coming to the server as far as game play is concerned.

Food Changes:

The votes have shown that you all want the food to be more of a requirement in game. So our head Admin REDLINER had a plugin made for this.

There's a table available in game to show what does what.

Use the command `/food` to bring it up.

[Upcoming] There will also be a modification to the status bars to display the application of the item consumed.

Store Changes:

The cost of calling a Patrol Heli has increased to 2.5k. This may increase again at a later date. The Mini, Scrap Transport, Balloon and Horse are no longer given as a Large Wooden Box. They're now a Repair Bench. Since these are new skins they may take a while to load in, so don't freak out. As always. If you get an item with the skin loading arrows on it, just wait for it to load. This will always be a special item. Regular items DO NOT spawn with skins.

This one has been a long time coming. The sell tab has been removed.

But fret not. There is another way to sell items and make that sweet, sweet RP. You can now sell items through the vending machines for RP. More information below.

Vending Machines:

As stated above, vending machines can now be used to sell items for RP.

I want to stimulate the player economy and increase server activity. Not meaning traffic. (Though that would be nice as well).

But players interacting and doing stuff, instead of staying at home and "shopping online".

My thoughts are that players will start to craft items using their resources.

And sell their items, undercutting /s.

They can either sell for items they need to get other things they need and or want.

Or RP for the same reason but to get kits, vehicles or call the heli in. Hopefully this will also stop, or at least slow down players giving stuff away.

While it's great to have a friendly community, giving things away to fresh players kills their experience.

They actually need to play the game. If you give them 100k stone, 5 M2s, 10k 5.56, 2k cooked bear meat and enough armor for a small army. Well. They're gonna to get bored fast because they aren't actually playing the damn game.

Anyway. Getting back on track.

When selling an item for RP, you'll need to select the designated item (Research Paper) and set the amount (price).

The item will not be available in game so there will not be any conflicts.

When accessing the vending machine, it won't check for Research Paper in your inventory, but instead check your RP balance and take from there.


I've removed the Revolver and Pistol Bullets from the kit you spawn with.

Overall it's a garbage gun. Most "zombies" can be killed with a head shot.

So the Nailgun is fine for that. And this will keep you from suicide farming the ammo. You know who you are.

The Starter base kit now has a Sleeping Bag. The Daily kit has also received a nerf.

The scrap, pistol and rifle ammo has all been lowered.

The bud has as well seeing as how most people just put it on their windows anyway.


I've added a weather system of sorts to the server. It's nothing to write home about. And it's not the weather system that Facepunch is working on currently. But it does add a little more depth to the environment.

The rain still clips through the roof. But it looks cool when you're outside. After some testing, there was no drop in server or client FPS which was an issue in the past. If it totally sucks/is unimpressive/annoying I'll put it up for a vote to keep it or not. But so far I like it.

PVE Changes: NPCs, including the Heli and Bradley, can now kill your horse. So be sure to put some armor on it to help lower the damage.

Though the armor doesn't do much against a rocket. Also, on the topic of horses.

They now require food to survive at your base.

Before they would just "live forever" in the radius of your TC.

That seemed a bit silly when I stepped back and looked at it.

Since the horse has a way to maintain its health while you're offline while the vehicles do not,

I've changed the settings for the horse to require upkeep.


The burn rate on food/ores and cans has been reduced from rocket speed to a much lower rate.

All low tier "ovens" burn vanilla.

So that includes campfires, skull fire pits, cursed cauldrons, hobo barrels and stone fireplaces.

All items that have a public counterpart have separate speeds. So for example. A static large furnace has a 2x burn rate, while a deployed large furnace has a 4x. And the static refinery has a 2x as well and the deployed a 4x.


You can now craft a chassis if you have a car lift. The cost(resources) for each is based on the size.

Just access the lift and the options are shown. The modules for the vehicles are now in /s This process will not be cheap. But everything will be full health when crafted and purchased.

Minicopters have storage again. A while back I had a plugin that puts a small stash on the rear rotor. I removed it when I tried to use another plugin that gives you storage as well. But it had too many bugs, and the developer doesn't believe me. So that was a waste of money.

Anyway. When I pulled that I forgot to put the other storage plugin back. So after a long while. It's here again,



You'll notice there's some new loot on the server. A bottle of paint that applies a random skin. A roll of tape that will apply instant repair in the field at the cost of lowering the overall HP. The adrenaline syringe. This will heal you. Give you a temporary +HP and Damage buff. But when it runs out, things get weird. So be sure you use it wisely.

A new way to gather stone, metal and sulfur has been added to the game. You'll figure it out.

The loot for the Treasure Maps has been updated. They more or less have chest types now. With some miscellaneous items.

And finally.

Burlap clothing will no longer stack. This is to prevent issues with the 2x clothing and other special items losing their name. They still work fine without the name. This shouldn't be too much of an issue since nobody really uses burlap clothing for very long anyway. So worst case, you use a coffin to store your special clothes.

Build Server: I added a background image to /help to improve button visibility as many players did not realize there is a Next Page button and would just give up on using the plugin.`

Donor Perks:

The supporters get a new perk this wipe. The Components Box.

As the name suggests, it's a box for components, When you pick up or loot crates, they will go directly into this special inventory container. It's a skinned Large Present. So if the skin doesn't load right away, just believe what the name says and wait for it.


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