The mysterious basic skinned items will now load. This was my bad. I had all the items set to private. So I was able to see them. But not anyone else. Didn't make the connection 'till just now. So yeah. That's a thing.
It's round 2 for the food plugin.
The calories have been adjusted (a little bit) and the requirements for the fish traps have been fixed.
Before you freak out and say to your self "It's time to jump ship!". Just give the plugin some time. It's to add progression to the server. To slow things down some. To keep you active. To add a survival aspect to the game.
I mean you all asked for this. The poll result was a landslide. After the first week I'll put it up for a vote to see what you all think and we'll go from there.
But along with the calorie nerf, I'm giving you another way to get food.
You can raise chickens. Yup. There's a chance to drop a fertile egg while skinning a chicken. You place the egg in front of a hitch & trough and after a set time it will hatch. Keep the hen fed and she'll lay more eggs which will produce more chickens. Stop feeding them and they die.
Fixed fireworks not lighting. It was an issue in the PVE plugin that made them immune to damage.
I guess when I changed one thing I broke another. Such is the way of the server.
No idea why that happened. They must be in the same group as something else.
Don't know what though.
Anyway. They work again.
There's a new world event. Paratroopers.
They fly in and parachute down. They're defending a locked crate or supply drop. There may or may not be a Bradley there with them. Have fun.
Always thought it was too dark at the gas station or market at nighttime? Well worry no more weary traveler. Now there's lights.
Just find the switch. And you can figure out the rest.
In the spirit of making your life more difficult, I've added that 1 point back to the radiation levels at some monuments. So the "suit leak" will be a thing again. I'm doing this because of the pills, teas and syringes that never get used. I figure it's time to add more aspects back into the game play.
I've changed over to a new vehicle decay manager.
I've also fixed what I attempted to do last wipe with horses requiring upkeep (food).
I've added a plugin that teleports you and your mini to the ground if you get disconnected.
You will have the option to respawn at the Bandit Camp or Outpost.
Boats purchased from the fishing village vendors will have keys. So there's no longer a need to use codelocks. It uses the key lock logig. So the owner doesn't need a key. But any other user does. |Just put a codelock on the boat storage and stash the keys in there.
In theory vehicle despawning should be fixed now.
And another plugin for the supporters. Mainly for the organization freaks.
You get a sort button for your containers.
And yes. This includes your backpack.
You can toggle between Name (N) and Category (C). Then just click the Sort button.
You also get the ability to add picture frames to your boxes.
You can either add a photograph to them. Or the more likely option of using /sil That's it for now. I'm sure there will be more later. Something always breaks on wipe day.