The votes are in and crafting will be active for the this wipe. It won't be for vanilla rates but for half. And ZLevels is running to speed it up as you craft.
As some may have noticed. The /craft for some items has changed. 2 of which are the quarry and pump jack. The plugin that would limit the placement of these doesn't work for players of the default ranks. So it's basically broken. So to slow down how quickly and how many players can place I have change what you need to craft these.
There will be more "gun bots" this wipe. Some in unusual places. So keep an eye out for those.
Not building on roads is generally respected and an unspoken rule. But just to make sure I have added a plugin that will prevent this and will auto refund you when you try to do so. There is one area on the map which I was unable to stop this. You will be warned through chat to not build there. If you do, your construction will be wiped.
The copters also went through a change. You'll just have to check them out.
That's about it for updates this round. Enjoy the new map.
Hopefully you don't get bored too quickly ;)