Locked crates timers have been increased to 10 minutes
If you don’t like this (which I’m sure you don’t), you can speed up the process by hacking the crate with a laptop.
You must be holding the laptop at the start of the hack for this to work!
I have also added the ability to hack card locked doors with laptops as well.
You must be looking at the lock and holding the laptop for this to work!
Keep in mind that you won’t be able to blow through a monument with a single laptop since each is destroyed on success or failure.
Same with crate hacks.
Boss bots have had their HP bumped up to 10k.
It’ll help slow down progression a bit.
I’ll also be adding more kits so the loot drops aren’t so stale.
The floating backpacks have been removed.
While it was a great convenience to have them floating above the ground making them easier to find.
And ever since I installed the plugin the players stopped saying “WTF MY BACKPACK DISAPPEARED” and then rage quit.
There’s a major conflict that I’m sure many of you have seen but haven’t said anything about.
They stop the Bradly dead in its tracks. So that needs to go.
Not all is lost. There’s still the games default death marker.
And if you keep dying, there’s the death marker plugin that shows each location for 10 minutes.
So you have a floating text with a big arrow pointing to a big red ball around your body/backpack.
You may need to spend a little more time looking for it if it’s dark out and in the bushes.
There’s a brand new event that will take place at the Airfield.
Sorry. No spoilers :)
Supporters rejoice as /upcrate has returned.
It’s been running on the test and main server for a while now under the admins, and there hasn’t been any loss of items. So you can have it back now.
The Casino at the Outpost got a minor makeover.
There are new items added to the loot table that are intended to just be sold for RP.
Some also say that they are intended to be used for crafting.
But that plugin is being held back for the moment because of image loading issues.
As a reminder to the players who’ve been here for a bit. And to the freshies.
There are a couple keybinds you must use if you’re going to play on the server.
Copy each of these and paste them into F1 console (one at a time) and hit enter.
bind b backpack.open
bind mouse2 chat.say /menu
This will bind the command to clicking your scroll wheel. An alternative bind is
bind m chat.say /menu
The first command is your backpack button.
It’s a lot easier than typing `/backpack` every time.
The second is for the quick menu.
This has shortcuts for just about everything.
From setting and teleporting to homes to accepting trades.
Even opening up the /skin interface or activating the `/remove` hammer.
And another thing you need to know is the chat command /ui.
This is where you will find the answer to just about everything.
There are tabs up top for every topic. And multiple pages for each.
So if you don’t think the answer you’re looking for is there.
You might need to click next or try another tab.
I’ve also been seeing people getting frustrated over the chat games.
You need to read the information posted in chat along with the question/word scramble/whatever it is. It tells you how to play the game.
Since they are plugins you need to use a chat command.
Just “saying” the answer in chat will do nothing.
The plugin doesn’t see your response. You’re just chatting as far as it’s concerned.
You need to use a / followed by whatever it tells you to use and then the answer.
So for example. Guess the number would be /guess 5 or /guess 27
I also see people saying that the chat games aren’t worth it.
These games were put in place for you to have a chance to gain more RP.
They take a second of your time. And not much effort.
If you really think it’s that much of a load on your daily life.
Don’t play.
Nobody needs to hear you complain.