The max houses will be dropped from Ten to Four. I know. I know. RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE
But why?
Lets get real here. How many bases do you really use? It's not ten. In reality you use, at most, two for living space. The rest of them are used to TP around the map to hot spots. You have all these vehicles and horses at your disposal. You really should use them. While you're teleporting around the map, they're sitting at your base sad and lonely.
Basically I'm just giving you a nudge to get a little more involved in the game. So depending on how many you use to live in, you'll still have a few leftover for your warp shacks.
The number of daily Home Warps is remaining the same. Though 60 is really high, and you should have to think about if you really need to use that warp or not. Teleportation should be a perk and not a primary form of transportation. At least that's how I look at it.
Prosthetic Hand The "Prosthetic Hand", or the "special item" found only in diving sites, will be a different attire item this wipe. I could have changed it sooner. But it would have left all of the previous items players found "broken". Or basically just a road sign kilt with a weird skin/icon. The item I changed it to makes a lot more sense for what it is.
Molotov Cocktails
Molotov Cocktails are back. As I've been playing around with plugins (And no. I still can't make my own.), I've been slowly getting a grasp on how to change things to work the way I want them to. So while they once burned buildings down and set players on fire. They're now a fun item to throw around, and help with hordes of zombies.
The votes are in. And while a few of you wanted this plugin gone. A majority of you chose to have the rates dropped. I was going to gut the rates. But I'm going to try another setting and see how it goes this round.
My plan is, if the rates are slowed enough, I'll have them carry over through a wipe or two. This setting may not be slow enough. But we'll see what the data file puts out at the end of the month.
The points gained from kills, looting and gathering have been lowered again. The last change didn't make much of an impact on how quickly players got "rich". This round we'll be going with mostly default points set in the config. I'll be raising a few and lowering a couple others. Just to set them logically.
For example. A Stag shouldn't give as little RP as a Mushroom. And a Wolf shouldn't give as much as a Scientist. There will also be a couple new entities included that give RP.
Now don't get too upset over the drop in RP. You need to remember that you can sell items. I have just about everything listed in the store. Including special items. And if it's not listed. Just let me know and I'll take care of it.
The store prices will increase at some point. They are still way too low. But that isn't happening this wipe. I have to see how the points average out to decide what the prices will be.
I will however be raising the cost of the personal heli and increasing the cooldown on it.
Bleed Damage As some may have already noticed. The bleed damage from being shot by NPCs has been removed. This was due to reports from players stating the armor does not reduce the damage inflicted. I apologize for the utter destruction of immersion this is causing and hope that the plugin is updated soon.
New Event
Not so much an event. But a new thing to do with C-4. You can now use it to sink the Cargo Ship. There are currently 4 points on the ship that you attach C-4 to. Once you locate the final point and throw C-4 on it, you have 45 seconds to hop on the RHIB and get off the ship before the explosion is triggered and the ship starts to sink. After that, all the loot will float to the surface of the water. It's a good idea to go as a team so someone can drive you around to collect all the loot.
There will be some changes with the NPCs. First up are the Murders A.K.A. Zombies. They're easy pickins. So they'll be getting a slight buff.
Also in the near future. Hopefully at the start of this wipe. I'll be adding some Boss Bots. I say hopefully because it involves a rework of the all the scientist kits.
Anyway. They'll be roamers with high HP. Covering a wide area with a long respawn time, camping them won't be an option. And when you come across one, you'll know it. But they'll have a drop that equals the battle.
Quarries and Pump Jacks
I've removed the plugin that lets you get scrap, component or guaranteed combination strikes of all ores.
I have however replaced the janky pump jack plugin with a more stable version and you will still have a chance of striking multiple ores with a survey charge.
HQM ore now appears all over the map with a 10% chance. Oil is still 20%(way too easy) and is also still map wide. The developer plans to add biomes to the plugin in a future update. But for now this is how it runs.
It's not perfect. You'll get a report in chat saying you've struck ore when you hit an oil node. So be sure to check each time you strike.
I'm also going to try out a bonus setting. It's a 1/100 chance that you'll get one of them. And you could get it with a terrible report of other ores. So it'll be up to you if you're going to put the low grade into it or not.
The Sorting Plugin Is Back
It's received a full rewrite and has a help button. So I won't be putting a page for it in /ui right away since it *should* take care of itself. I have faith in people being able to figure out what the help button can do.
So once again you'll have your digital base bitch at your disposal. Ready to send your loot to your desired container at the push of a button. I love this plugin.
The Wipe
Backpacks(will always), Blueprints, RP, ZLevels and Player Ranks are still going to wipe for now.
If any of these changes are over the top (too brutal, too soft or why bother with this addition), I'm always open to feedback and discussion.