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This wipe will be a procgen map. The underwater update should be this month so I’d rather have as few chances for the map to screw up as possible. Custom maps will be returning soon. First is a very small addition to the server. I haven’t seen this happen in a while now. But there use to be a lot of players trying to use ! instead of / Now you can use either one.

Two new events have been added. The Harbor Event and the Airship Event. One takes place at either Harbor. A Bradley and a bunch of NPCs are guarding a ship as “they load cargo onto it”. The other you’ll need to fly up to because it’s in the air. Bunch of guards. Bunch of loot crates. It eventually self destructs. If you’re stuck on the ship during that time just wait in a balloon and you’ll float safely to the ground. The Bradley Guards and Tiers are also returning. I figured out why the vanilla APCs were dropping insane numbers of crates. Why I had to change a setting to make it NOT happen. I have no idea. But it’s fixed. I created a loot table for each higher tier to try and attempt to make the battle vs reward a little more balanced.

And no. It’s not going to be a 100% chance that you’re going to be refunded absolutely everything you put into it. That’s just not how things work. But your chances are better to get resources and ammo back. So you have that going for you. I’ve got a semi answer to the hackable crates and them being looted when it’s yours. As long as you are the one to start a “normal” hack it will be locked to you for 10 minutes (600 seconds). If you start a hackable crate normally before using /codehack it will be locked to you. Just using /codehack will not work. Some dickbag can just walk up and start a normal hack and it will be locked to them after you finish the codehack process. So always start a hack normally before using /codehack. I still don’t have an answer to people stealing CH-47s from each other. But once I get something I’ll put it in place as soon as I finish the testing. Keep an eye on the health of your Rocket Launchers and MGLs. If they break on you while using them, it’s possible they might explode.

The /showsphere plugin is temporarily removed until the developer updates it. While it does get the job done. The spheres do not show long enough. For now just check with your building planner and make sure your foundations/TCs are as close to each other as possible to prevent decay to the high walls.

I’ve added new items to the store. There’s a total of 4 Card Table types (2 chair – 6 chair) under items. A personal Water Well under construction. And I’ve moved the Slot Machine from Commands to Items. There’s a new level of griefing control added to the server. You know that guy who just keeps shooting you and doesn’t stop? They know you aren’t a bot. You’ve asked them to fuck off. And they’re probably gone through at least 4 or 5 clips.

Well not anymore. It will recognize if you’re a teammate or friend (/fmenu). So feel free to annoy your buddies. They probably deserve it. But if it’s just some random dude shooting at you. It will literally tell them to “Stop attacking players!”. So they know what they’re doing. They get a set number of shots. After they pass the limit, they’re start taking damage. The damage will increase. Eventually they just die. Once they cross another point. Any player attack will kill them. If they keep it up, they get kicked.

The Quarry/Pump Jack changes may or may not be in this wipe. It all depends if I can figure out what’s wrong with the oil strikes. I don’t think it’s on my end. There’s another admin/owner reporting the same error. So I’m just waiting on the developer to respond.

Hopefully it’s my fuckup and they point out the fix so I don’t need to wait for an update. In the coming weeks I’ll be adding new bases to the raid base plugin. And as usual, there are a few other plugins on the backburner that may or may not make it in after wipe.

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